I got my first Vizsla from Ray in 2014, and when he told me about the one problem with his dogs, I’m afraid he was absolutely right. He told me, “Once you have one of my pups, you will never want to be without one.”
Almost 5 years later, Attis continues to surprise and impress me. From the first day he was home, he was enamored with birds and watching them as they flew in and out of the backyard. At bird school (he only went once and is still sharp as a tack) the trainer immediately pointed to several attributes which she said would contribute to him as a bird dog, including his confidence, build, and size. We have successfully hunted pheasant, chukar, quail & dove, with the dove hunting and retrieving being an added bonus. He also does great with other dogs in the field, always giving rise to questions and compliments by other dog owners about him due to his workhorse mentality/capability and physical stature. When the guns are out he is 100% business, but once the hunting is done, he is incredibly affectionate and usually just wants to be part of whatever is going on.
I could go on and on, but one of the things I have truly appreciated about working with Ray is that not only does he know the breed in general, he knows his Vizslas incredibly well. This was tremendously helpful in the training process as I often contacted Ray asking about how to best work with Attis. It’s been a great experience all the way around and the words above really don’t encompass the full scope of the wonderful experience I’ve had.
Thank you Ray!
Robert & Attis
Midland, TX 2018 |